International Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2015
National Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2014
“Clinical Approach to Patient with Painful Patella”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
“Management of Unstable Patella- The Superficial Quad Technique”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
“Concomitant Management of Patella OC # and Patella Instability”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
“Management of Cartilage Defects of Patella”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
“Consensus and Concerns of Microfracture Technique in Cartilage Repair”; during Annual Congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society held at Hyderabad, India.
“Trochleoplasty for Patella Instabiltiy”; during Annual Congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society held at Hyderabad, India.
“Evidence Based Medicine Review of Microfracture Technique”; Cartilage Symposia, Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India.
“Cartilage Science Development in India”; Cartilage Symposia, Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India.
“Treatment of Extra-Large Osteochondral Lesions - The Overlay ACI Technique”; during International Biological Orthopedic Meet, held at Mumbai.
“Cartilage Without Subchondral Bone - Can It Survive?” during International Biological Orthopedic Meet, held at Mumbai.
“1st Generation to 3rd Generation ACI - Have Generations Stood Test of Time”; during International Biological Orthopedic Meet, held at Mumbai.
“Cartilage Repair in Young OA Knee”; Annual Conference of Gujarat Orthopedic Society held at Ahmedabad, India.
International Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2013
"Evidence Based Status of 2/3rd Generation ACI over 1st Generation”; Combined Congress of Asian Cartilage Repair Society and Indian Cartilage Society, Chennai, India.
"Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation- Current Status”; invited faculty for Symposia on ‘Osteoarthritis Knee Below 40 Years’ during 34th SICOT World Congress, to be held at Hyderabad, India.
“The Superficial Quad Technique for MPFL Reconstruction”; at 86th Annual Meeting of Japanese Orthopedic Association held at Hiroshima, Japan.
National Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2013
Convener Cartilage Session and Faculty-Interactive Case Discussions during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
“MPFL Reconstruction: The Superficial Quad Technique”, Instructional Course Lecture on Patellofermoal Instability during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
“Evolution of Cultured Chondrocytes”, Instructional Course Lecture on Cartilage Session during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
“Understanding Various Techniques of MPFL Reconstruction”, Basic Knee Cadaver Course during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
“Scope of scope in OA Knee”; at 31st Annual Conference of Gujarat Orthopedic Association held at Rajkot, India.