International Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2015
National Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2014
- “Clinical Approach to Patient with Painful Patella”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
- “Management of Unstable Patella- The Superficial Quad Technique”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
- “Concomitant Management of Patella OC # and Patella Instability”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
- “Management of Cartilage Defects of Patella”, at Rajkot Orthopedic Society Meeting.
- “Consensus and Concerns of Microfracture Technique in Cartilage Repair”; during Annual Congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society held at Hyderabad, India.
- “Trochleoplasty for Patella Instabiltiy”; during Annual Congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society held at Hyderabad, India.
- “Evidence Based Medicine Review of Microfracture Technique”; Cartilage Symposia, Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India.
- “Cartilage Science Development in India”; Cartilage Symposia, Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India.
- “Treatment of Extra-Large Osteochondral Lesions - The Overlay ACI Technique”; during International Biological Orthopedic Meet, held at Mumbai.
- “Cartilage Without Subchondral Bone - Can It Survive?” during International Biological Orthopedic Meet, held at Mumbai.
- “1st Generation to 3rd Generation ACI - Have Generations Stood Test of Time”; during International Biological Orthopedic Meet, held at Mumbai.
- “Cartilage Repair in Young OA Knee”; Annual Conference of Gujarat Orthopedic Society held at Ahmedabad, India.
International Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2013
- "Evidence Based Status of 2/3rd Generation ACI over 1st Generation”; Combined Congress of Asian Cartilage Repair Society and Indian Cartilage Society, Chennai, India.
- "Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation- Current Status”; invited faculty for Symposia on ‘Osteoarthritis Knee Below 40 Years’ during 34th SICOT World Congress, to be held at Hyderabad, India.
- “The Superficial Quad Technique for MPFL Reconstruction”; at 86th Annual Meeting of Japanese Orthopedic Association held at Hiroshima, Japan.
National Scientific Presentations & Research Papers: 2013
- Convener Cartilage Session and Faculty-Interactive Case Discussions during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
- “MPFL Reconstruction: The Superficial Quad Technique”, Instructional Course Lecture on Patellofermoal Instability during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
- “Evolution of Cultured Chondrocytes”, Instructional Course Lecture on Cartilage Session during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
- “Understanding Various Techniques of MPFL Reconstruction”, Basic Knee Cadaver Course during International congress of Indian Arthroscopy Society, Mumbai, India.
- “Scope of scope in OA Knee”; at 31st Annual Conference of Gujarat Orthopedic Association held at Rajkot, India.