Dr Deepak Goyal attended Arthropreserve-2015 as an Invited Faculty. He received a warm welcome by Course Chairmen and a long time friend, Dr Clement Joseph and was also invited to do inauguration of the course.

The event was attended by over 230 delegates from all over the country. The event was also attended by foreign faculties like Elizaveta Kon, Andew De Vileg and Joseph Purita. Dr Goyal talked about 'The Superficial Quad Technique for Single Stage Management of Patella Instability and Patellar Osteochondral Fracture'. The Technique received a wide applaud and many questions were asked by attending delegates.
Dr Goyal further talked about 'The Overlay ACI Technique for Management of Extra-large Osteochondral Lesions of the Knee Joint'. This new technique that was invented by Dr Goyal at Saumya Orthocare also received wide attention as a definitive treatment option for big cartilage and bony lesions of the knee joint in young people. We showed minimum 2 years results of this technique.
Various live surgeries were performed during the course and important aspect of joint preservation were highlighted.
Saumya Orthocare is proud that it started the bandwagon for joint preservation in 2004 at our small humble institute. Today the concept has spread nationwide and lots of doctors are interested in saving the joints.
SO Team, 2015.