So, you had a knee injury and you are recovering from it. But you are confused about your daily professional activities and training. Here are the answers for some of the commonly asked FAQ.
1. What to do if you are asked to stop your regular exercises due to sports knee injury?
Come up with alternative exercise after asking your doctor. eg Aqua Jogging- improve Quad, Hams, Glutes and Core Strength etc.
2. Is it necessary to work with a knee physiotherapist?
Yes, it will help you to a more effective rehabilitation. Physiotherapists can develop individual programs that are safe and instrumental in recovery. Ask for injury specific rehab protocols.
3. Shall I stay home or remain connected with my athletic team?
It is extremely important that you remain connected with your team, your second home. They will give you extra boost during recovery time. You are advised to sit with them and do your rehabilitation Exercise, while they are doing their respective sports training.
4. What goals should I set for myself?
Set a short term goal that allow you to do lower impact activities and then progress to next phase of rehabilitation. It is very important to stay connected with your Knee surgeon for preventive and safe athletic techniques. Ask for specific rehab protocols and then continue that with your physiotherapist.
5. How can I relieve my stress?
Try alternative ways like spending time out side, meditating and meeting friends and teammates. This will gives you refreshing mood during your recovery time.
Dr Lemi Dadhaniya and the Team SKC