Logo of Saumya Arthroscopy & Sports Knee Clinic reflects our thoughts & orthopedic principals for providing best care to our patients. Our logo also evolved with our evolution.
The above logo (SO logo) was developed with our previous knee care facility called Saumya Orthocare. And this logo remained with us from 2004 till 2017 yearend. There is an interesting story behind creation of the 'SO logo'. Nicholas Andre coined the term Orthopedics in 1743. The word Orthopedics is made up of two words; Orthos & Pedics. Orthos means straight and Pedics means child. He suggested this term to describe a science that deals with correction (straightening) of a crucate (deformed) child. A crucate (deformed) tree tied with a straight bar with a tight rope (to correct its deformity) depicts Orthopedics. Orthopedics has come a long way since, and current Orthopedics does lot more than what it was in 1743. We strongly believed that motion is life. Life is full of joy and is colorful. We are dedicated to provide a pain free life that is full of movement, color and joy. Our dedication nourishes on strong and rich principles of Orthopedics. Thus, we combined orthopedics principals and our dedication in form of SO Logo.
In October 2017, we evolved to a much improved and expanded facility and named it as Saumya Arthroscopy & Sports Knee Clinic. Our evolution leads to evolution of our logo as well.

The new logo (SKC logo) combines the old logo (SO logo) and our legacy since 2004. The word Saumya is incorporated in Indian dialect (Hindi) and our new clinic name has also been included in the logo itself. It also reflects the ideology that we follow since 2004, preserve the knee joints.