
Tehran Live Arthroscopy Surgery 2014

The invention of "The Superficial Quad Technique" has definitely changed the way, we treat patella dislocations. And this change is a global change. Our consultant and inventor of the surgical technique, Dr Goyal received invitation form Tehran Live Arthroscopy Course to perform the Live Surical demonstration of "The Superficial Quad Technique". This technique is a popular method to treat recurrent patella dislocation. The live surgery was widely applauded by the Iranian surgeon.

Tehran Live Arthroscopy Surgery Interactive Discussion


Many interesting questions were asked by the participants and Dr Goyal happily answered the questions to their satisfaction.

The Superficial Quad Technique Live Surgery


Dr Goyal visited the live surgery patient next day and offered his thanks for allowing him to operate on her. Patient was very happy to picture herself with Dr Deepak.

Live Surgery Tehran


We wish good luck and happy recovery to the patient.

SO Team


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