Dr Deepak Goyal has a special interest in patellofemoral joint and in cartilage injuries of the knee joint. He is a renowned and internationally acclaimed surgeon for treating patella dislocation cases, not only simple cases but also many complicated and tricky cases. He is also a pioneer surgeon for various cartilage repair surgeries including microfracture surgeries, mosaicplasty surgery and autologous chondrocyte implantation surgeries (ACI). With a nearly 15 years of experience, he often gets invitations from around the world to share his knowledge and skills.

We are happy to share that recently, Dr Goyal was invited to beautiful Kish Islands in gulf of Persia, by Iranian Society of Knee Surgery, Arthroscopy and Sports traumatology on 16th February 2018. He gave three talks related to patella dislocation.
- Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Reconstruction Techniques
- Trochleoplasty- How I Do It?
- Patella Dislocation along with Patella Osteochondral Fracture
His talks created a great enthusiasm amongst delegates that lead to many questions. Dr Deepak Goyal was pleased to answer their question and remove apprehensions about doing complicated surgeries.
The talks were followed by a panel discussion, where he was accompanied by famous and very senior Arthroscopy surgeons of Europe namely; Dr Rene Verdonk of Belgium and Dr Phillipe Beaufils from France. A few complicated cases were presented by Iranian Colleagues and panel suggested different ways to tackle such complicated patella dislocation cases.

On 17th February 2018, he presented a flow chart to treat various types of cartilage lesions. He stressed that all cartilage lesions are not same and decision to choose the type of cartilage surgery should be decided based on various variables like age, BMI, smoking status, level of activity of patient, location of lesion and presence of associated diseases. His proposed flow chart was liked by the delegates and the co-faculties and was applauded.
We at SKC are proud and also thankful to our patients who trusted in us all these years.
Team SKC