Indian Institute of Material Management, Ahmedabad branch (IIMM) invited Dr Deepak Goyal for a social awareness program. The Theme of the program was 'Save Your Knee Joint, Nature's Great Gift to Mankind'. Saumya Orthocare was very much pleased to receive this prestigious invitation and we were happy to share our experience with elite membership of IIMM. The ceremony started with auspicious lightening of the lamp along with IIMM leadership. Mr Harish Gupta, Chairman of the organisation thanked Dr Goyal for accepting the invitation and Mr Goswamy presented a nice introduction of him.
The one and half hour talk was very much pictorial on a lucid slide show and Dr Goyal ensured that IIMM members are enlightened on the subject in a laymen's language. Dr Goyal focussed on three main areas namely; common causes of knee joint damage and its prevention, Knee joint injuries in the young people and its prevention, knee repair surgeries for early and moderate osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

We were overwhelmed to see the eagerness and attention paid by the members of IIMM thruout the talk. For complete one and half hours, there was a complete silence and members took great interest in the topic. After the talk, the Q & A session was equally informative with lots of questions being fired on Dr Goyal. We were also happy to see the interest that members showed in knee joint preservation.
Mr Harish Gupta, who is chairmen of IIMM took personal interest in encouraging members to get their doubts cleared and confusions resolved.

Dr Goyal was presented a token of appreciation in form of a plaque by honourable members of IIMM, a proud moment for Saumya Orthocare.

SO Team, 2015. (C)